Friday, August 17, 2007

Tough to live on $168K a year for Tony Snow

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow recently said that financial reasons may prevent him for serving the remainder of the Bush presidency.

"I'm not going to be able to go the distance, but that's primarily for financial reasons." Snow said. "I've told people when my money runs out, then I've got to go."

According to the Washington Post, Snow makes $168,000 at the White House spokesman. The former Fox News anchor-turned press secretary took a month long leave of absence earlier this year after cancer was discovered on his liver.

This is an interesting comment. It is not clear if he is referring to how tough it is to live off of only $168K a year these days, or if Snow is referring to his medical costs, but either way, the complaints seem odd coming from a Bush Republican, given their stances on minimum wage (if $168K isn't enough, how can you fight against a wage increase to $5.75 an hour?), the economy, and health care.

If he is lying, like everyone else in the Bush administration on the reasons why they left, he picked a horrible lie to try and sell, and it shows how disconnected he is to the average American family, who lives on less than half of what Snow makes.

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